Hey potters! We’ve listened to the members complaints and suggestions about the current cookie issues and we have decided the requirements and procedures need an update. We’ve found that the biggest issue is that your kiln cookies are not as recognizable as they need to be and they are left in the buckets up front until their two months are up and they become blue studio cookies. Below you’ll find all of the changes we will require from now on. All are intended to improve your returned cookies.
You will now be required to add the SAME signature or stamp that you use on the bottoms of your pots to BOTH SIDES of your new kiln cookies.
For cookies you already have please use your own underglaze or the studio’s red iron oxide to add your signature to both sides of your cookies.
If you add texture, it must be very special/unique, instead of the mats and rollers we have in the hand building room. All the class members use these plus the members who do, so these are not a good choice to make your work recognizable. Use the same texture each time so that you and even staff can learn what your cookies look like and make it significantly easy to find.
In addition to finding and using your own texture, we will be adding a custom texture mat option and acrylic signature stamp to website very soon so that all of these requirements will be extremely easy for you. You are welcome to purchase either from us and help us make them on our Glowforge, we will just need a black and white jpeg/png to work with. (See images in the comments of the test ones we made for these examples and photos used to make them)
ALL cookies that do not have a matching signature/stamp as the bottom of the pot on them will be moved to the accidents happen shelf. Staff loading the kilns will need to check that each pot and cookie match. To make this system work, we will not be able to allow the sharing of cookies with others unless discussed under special circumstances with staff.
We will be changing the labeling and sorting of class cookies to help thin out your cookie boxes up front to hopefully leave less cookies for you to have to sort through.
We need to reiterate that you should already not taking other people’s cookies from up front. If you are found doing so we will need to have a serious discussion about it after this point.
Any additional changes to this system will add more strain to our staff’s labor and would have to result in the increase in membership costs or firing fees in your clay cost.
I’m enough of a novice that I don’t have a whopping collection of cookies and often when possible have been using the shared cookies that live in the glaze room, which has been wonderful. Are those still going to be available for use or will those only be for classes now?